An actor is essentially an active object. Instead of calling methods on the actor messages are passed to the actor and the message will be handled in a thread. Resources about actors can be found all over the internet a couple pages to look at are:
- Scala Actors: A Short Tutorial
- Event-Based Programming without Inversion of Control (PDF)
- Actors That Unify Threads and Events
- scala> import scala.actors.Actor
- import scala.actors.Actor
- scala> import Actor._
- import scala.actors.Actor._
- scala> val collector = actor {
- | var count = 3
- | var data = ""
- | loop {
- | react {
- | case payload:String => {
- | reply ("thank you")
- | data += payload + "\n\n"
- | count -= 1
- | if (count == 0) {
- | println (data)
- | exit()
- | }
- | }
- | }
- | }
- | }
- collector: scala.actors.Actor = scala.actors.Actor$$anon$1@2bbef4c6
- scala> import
- import
- scala> class Downloader(url:String) extends Actor {
- | def act = {
- | val source = Source.fromURL(new
- | val data = source.getLines.mkString("\n")
- | collector ! data
- | receive { case s => println("Done with "+url) }
- | }
- | }
- defined class Downloader
- scala> List("http:/",
- | "http:/",
- | "http:/",
- | "http:/")
- res0: List[java.lang.String] = List(http:/, http:/, http:/, http:/
- scala> for (url <- res0) {
- | new Downloader(url).start
- | }
- [snip... lots of output]
If this program is put into a file and executed it will not finish is because the program exits. What is happening is there are 6 "actors" the main thread, collector and the 4 Downloaders. The main thread completes and shutdown the system taking all the Actors with it.
Just add link(collector) as the last line to make the main trhead wait for collector.
Also important to realize is that in Scala 2.7 an actor is lightweight. IE the application can exit while actors are still alive. In Scala 2.8 that is changed. For Scala 2.7 semantics you must use a DaemonActor instead of Actor.
When I run this script on the command line, it works fine. But when I put write it in a file and execute this file with scala, it does not display anything (2.7.7).
ReplyDeleteDo you have the same problem ?
I have modified the end with:
val urls = List(.....)
for( url <- urls) { new Downloader(url).start }
The reason it does not finish is because the program exits. What is happening is there are 6 "actors" the main thread, collector and the 4 Downloaders. The main thread completes and shutdown the system.
ReplyDeleteJust add link(collector). This will make the main thread wait for collector.
Also important to realize is that in Scala 2.7 an actor is lightweight. IE the application can exit while actors are still alive. In Scala 2.8 that is changed. For Scala 2.7 semantics you must use a DaemonActor instead of Actor.