Thursday, November 5, 2009

Access modifiers (public, private, protected)

By default classes, objects and class members (fields, methods) are all public.
  1. object PublicObject {
  2.   val publicVal
  3.   var publicVar
  4.   def publicMethod = 1
  5. }

In this example everything is public. Similar to Java there is private and protected (there is no public because that is default). Private works as it does in Java but protected is dramatically different.
  • The first difference is that protected can have two forms: protected and protected[foo]. Where foo can be a class, package or object.

  • The second difference is that the non-parameterized protected for is only visible from subclasses not from the same package.
  1. scala> class Class1 {
  2.      | protected def pMethod = "protected"
  3.      | }
  4. defined class Class1
  5. scala> class Class2 { 
  6. // pMethod is not accessible because Class2 is not a subclass of Class1
  7.      | new Class1().pMethod 
  8.      | }
  9. <console>:6: error: method pMethod cannot be accessed in Class1
  10.        new Class1().pMethod
  11.                     ^
  12. scala> class Class3 extends Class1 {
  13. // also unlike Java, protected restricts to the same object
  14.      | new Class1().pMethod
  15.      | }
  16. <console>:6: error: method pMethod cannot be accessed in Class1
  17.        new Class1().pMethod
  18.                     ^
  19. scala> class Class3 extends Class1 {
  20.      | pMethod
  21.      | }
  22. defined class Class3

If the protected is parameterized then only classes that fall into the parameter category can access the parameter:
  1. scala> class Class1 {                                
  2. // protected[Class1] is equivalent to private
  3.      | protected[Class1] def method() = println("hi")
  4.      | method()
  5.      | }
  6. defined class Class1
  7. scala> new Class1()
  8. hi
  9. res0: Class1 = Class1@dc44a6d
  10. // this does not work because method is only accessible in Class1
  11. scala> class Class2 extends Class1 { method() }      
  12. <console>:5: error: not found: value method
  13.        class Class2 extends Class1 { method() }
  14.                                      ^
  15. scala> object Module {                                         
  16.      |   object Inner1 {                                         
  17.      |     protected[Inner1] def innerMethod = println("hi")       
  18.      |     protected[Module] def moduleMethod = println("moduleMethod")
  19.      |
  20.      |     object InnerInner { 
  21.      |       // InnerInner is within Inner1 so the access works
  22.      |       def callInner = innerMethod
  23.      |     }
  24.      |   }
  25.      |   // module method is protected[Module] so anything in Module can access it
  26.      |   def callModuleMethod = Inner1.moduleMethod
  27.      |
  28.      |   object Inner2 {
  29.      |     // Inner1.module method is protected[Module] and 
  30.      |     // Inner2 is within module so therefore has access
  31.      |     def callModuleMethod = Inner1.moduleMethod
  32.      |   }
  33.      | }
  34. defined module Module
  35. scala> Module.callModuleMethod
  36. moduleMethod
  37. scala> Module.Inner1.InnerInner.callInner
  38. hi
  39. scala> Module.Inner1.innerMethod         
  40. <console>:6: error: method innerMethod cannot be accessed in object Module.Inner1
  41.        Module.Inner1.innerMethod
  42.                      ^
  43. scala> Module.Inner1.moduleMethod
  44. <console>:6: error: method moduleMethod cannot be accessed in object Module.Inner1
  45.        Module.Inner1.moduleMethod

The following example shows how package access works in Scala 2.8. They have to be compiled as 2 files.

  1. package root
  2. class Class1 {
  3.   protected[root] def rootMethod = println("rootMethod")
  4. }
  5. class Class2 {
  6.   // same package so this is legal
  7.   new Class1().rootMethod
  8. }

  1. package root.sub
  2. class Class3 {
  3.   // Class3 is in a subpackage of root so 
  4.   // it can access all objects protected by
  5.   // protected[root] as well as objects
  6.   // protected by protected[root.sub]
  7.   new root.Class1().rootMethod
  8. }


  1. // also unlike Java, protected restricts to the same object

    This is kind of incorrect - in Java you also can not access a protected method if the subclass is defined in another package.

    //package mk.parent
    public class Parent {

    protected int k;
    public int n;


    //package mk.child
    public class Child extends Parent {

    public Child() {
    Parent p = new Parent();
    // p.k = 4; - compile error

    Child c = new Child();
    c.k = 4;



  2. If they are in the different packages this fails in Java if in same package it still compiles. In scala even when they are in the same package the protected is restricted.

  3. As far as I know the protected is visible from any subclass regardless of the package ... is that the "default" which is limited to the same package (regardless of is it subclass or not)
