Thursday, November 12, 2009

Import Instance Properties

A truly fantastic aspect of Scala is the uniform principle that Scala attempts to adhere to. In other words Scala tries to not make any rules that only apply to a single case when it can be applied generally.

One example is matching you can see several uses of matching in the following topics:
But matching it applies to today's topic as well. This topic covers a cool trick that helps assist with parameter objects and complex return types.

This topic is another take on Assignment and Parameter Objects. There are cases when a method has a large number of parameters and the API can be cleaned up by introducing a parameter object. Or perhaps an object with several public proprties are passed to a method.
  1. scala> case class Params(p1:Int, p2:Int, p3:Int)
  2. defined class Params
  3. scala>  def method(params:Params) = {
  4.      |   println(params.p1, params.p2, params.p3)
  5.      | }
  6. method: (Params)Unit
  7. scala> method(Params(1,2,3))
  8. (1,2,3)
  9. }

The symbol 'params' introduces noise into the code. The noise can be reduced further by assigned the properties of the parameter object to local variables:
  1. scala>  case class Params(p1:Int, p2:Int, p3:Int)
  2. defined class Params
  3. scala> 
  4. scala>  def method(params:Params) = {
  5.      |   val Params(p1,p2,p3) = params
  6.      |   println(p1,p2,p3)
  7.      | }
  8. method: (Params)Unit
  9. scala> method(Params(1,2,3))
  10. (1,2,3)
  11. }

But we can do better remember that we can import methods and properties from an object:
  1. scala> object Obj {
  2.      |  val prop = 10
  3.      | }
  4. defined module Obj
  5. scala> import Obj._
  6. import Obj._
  7. scala> println(prop)
  8. 10

Since all instance are objects it is possible to import fields and methods from instances as well:
  1. scala>  case class Params(p1:Int, p2:Int, p3:Int)
  2. defined class Params
  3. scala> 
  4. scala>  def method(params:Params) = {
  5.      |   import params._
  6.      |   println(p1, p2, p3)
  7.      | }
  8. method: (Params)Unit
  9. }

The same technique is extremely useful when a method needs to return multiple values:
  1. scala>  def method() = {
  2.      |   (1,2,3)
  3.      | }
  4. method: ()(IntIntInt)
  5. scala> val retVal = method()
  6. retVal: (IntIntInt) = (1,2,3)
  7. /*
  8.  retVal is a tuple so we can import the tuple
  9.  properties.  Becareful to not do this multiple times in
  10.  the same scope
  11. */
  12. scala> import retVal._
  13. import retVal._
  14. scala> println(_1,_2,_3)
  15. (1,2,3)
  16. scala> def method2={
  17.        // Notice case class declaration can be contained in method
  18.      | case class Return(v1:Int,v2:Int)
  19.      | Return(6,7)
  20.      | }
  21. method2: java.lang.Object with ScalaObject with Product{def v1: Intdef v2: Int}
  22. scala> val r = method2
  23. r: java.lang.Object with ScalaObject with Product{def v1: Intdef v2: Int} = Return(6,7)
  24. scala> import r._
  25. import r._
  26. scala> println(v1,v2)
  27. (6,7)
  28. }


  1. Thanks for another very informative and useful post. I love these daily tips.

    One question, in the last example method2 defines a case class called "Return" but the type shown in the interactive output is called "Product". Is this just an editing error or am I missing something?

  2. Hi, I didn't notice that. Good observation!

    The method 'method2' does in fact return a Product that is not an error. If you look at the signature it is:

    java.lang.Object with ScalaObject with Product{def v1: Int; def v2: Int} = Return(6,7)

    So it is a Product{def v1: Int; def v2: Int} which declares that it has the methods v1 and v2. So when importing that object it will import v1 and v2 into the current scope.

    The type of the val cannot be Return because it is not in scope. So the compiler automatically infers Product{def v1: Int; def v2: Int} which all case classes are automatically.

    I will make a post about Products and mention the relation to case classes.
