Friday, January 29, 2010

Overcoming Type Erasure in Matching 2 (Variance)

A commenter (Brian Howard) on the post Overcoming Type Erasure in Matching 1 made a very good point:

Is there a way to deal with some type arguments being contravariant? Try the following:

class A

class B extends A

val AAFunction = new Def[Function1[A,A]]

((a:A) => a) match {case AAFunction(f) => Some(f(new A)); case _ => None} // this is OK

((a:A) => new B) match {case AAFunction(f) => Some(f(new A)); case _ => None} // this is OK

((b:B) => b) match {case AAFunction(f) => Some(f(new A)); case _ => None} // gives a ClassCastException, since new A is not a B

There is a way to do this, however the information is not captured in the Manifest. A manifest is not designed to do full reflection it is by design very light and has little impact on performance. So to provide the functionality requested by Brian one needs to add that information to the Extractor Definition. Have have a possible solution below.
  1. scala> class A
  2. defined class A
  3. scala> class B extends A
  4. defined class B
  5. scala> object Variance extends Enumeration {
  6.      |     val Co, Contra, No = Value
  7.      | }
  8. defined module Variance
  9. scala> import Variance._
  10. import Variance._
  11. scala> class Def[C](variance:Variance.Value*)(implicit desired : Manifest[C]) {
  12.      |     def unapply[X](c : X)(implicit m : Manifest[X]) : Option[C] = {
  13.      |         val typeArgsTriplet =
  14.      |                                                     zipWithIndex
  15.      |         def sameArgs = typeArgsTriplet forall {
  16.      |             case ((desired,actual),index) if(getVariance(index) == Contra) => 
  17.      |                 desired <:< actual 
  18.      |             case ((desired,actual),index) if(getVariance(index) == No) => 
  19.      |                 desired == actual 
  20.      |             case ((desired,actual),index) => 
  21.      |                 desired >:> actual
  22.      |         }
  23.      |         
  24.      |         val isAssignable = desired.erasure.isAssignableFrom(m.erasure) || (desired >:> m)
  25.      |         if (isAssignable && sameArgs) Some(c.asInstanceOf[C])
  26.      |         else None
  27.      |     }
  28.      |     def getVariance(i:Int) = if(variance.length > i) variance(i) else No
  29.      | }
  30. defined class Def
  31. scala> val AAFunction = new Def[Function1[A,A]]
  32. AAFunction: Def[(A) => A] = Def@64a65760
  33. scala> ((a:A) => a) match {case AAFunction(f) => Some(f(new A)); case _ => None}
  34. res0: Option[A] = Some(A@1bd4f279)
  35. scala> ((a:A) => new B) match {case AAFunction(f) => Some(f(new A)); case _ => None}
  36. res1: Option[A] = None
  37. scala> ((b:B) => b) match {case AAFunction(f) => Some(f(new A)); case _ => None}
  38. res2: Option[A] = None
  39. scala> val BAFunction = new Def[Function1[B,A]](Contra,Co)
  40. BAFunction: Def[(B) => A] = Def@26114629
  41. scala> ((b:A) => b) match {case BAFunction(f) => Some(f(new B)); case _ => None}
  42. res3: Option[A] = Some(B@15dcc3ca)


  1. Sad, however
    val BAFunction = new Def[Function1[B,A]](Contra,Co)

    f:Any = ((b:A) => b)
    f match {....} - won't match coz of type "Any"

  2. I agree. We're sadly still dependent on compile time types here.

    val x:Any = List(1,2,3)
    x match {
    case IntList(l) => println( s"Match ${l(1)}" );
    case _ => println( s"No match" )

    gives "No match"
