Like interfaces traits cannot have constructors but in Scala variables can be abstract and therefore provide an easy way to simulate a constructor.
There are no method resolution conflicts because method definitions are always resolved right to left:
- class X extends Y with A with B with C
If ABC and Y all have the method (doit) the method in C will be used. If C calls super.doit that will call B.doit and so on.
Note: If Y defines doit the A, B, and C must define doit with the override keyword:
- override def doit() = {...}
In the above example ABC must be traits but Y can be a class or a trait. When inheriting you must always have one extends keyword which can optionally followed by one or more with clauses.
- scala> abstract class Animal {
- | val legs:Int
- | val noise:String
- | def makeNoise() = println(noise)
- | }
- defined class Animal
- scala> trait Quadriped {
- | self:Animal =>
- | val legs = 4
- | }
- defined trait Quadriped
- scala> trait Biped {
- | self:Animal =>
- | val legs = 2
- | }
- defined trait Biped
- scala> class Dog extends Animal with Quadriped {
- | val noise = "Woof"
- | override def makeNoise() = println( noise+" "+noise)
- | }
- defined class Dog
- scala> new Dog().makeNoise()
- Woof Woof
- scala> abstract class GenericAnimal extends Animal{
- | val noise = "glup"
- | }
- defined class GenericAnimal
- scala> val quad = new GenericAnimal() with Quadriped
- quad: GenericAnimal with Quadriped = $anon$1@10bfb545
- scala> quad.makeNoise()
- glup
- scala> val biped = new GenericAnimal() with Biped
- biped: GenericAnimal with Biped = $anon$1@7669521
- scala> val biped = new GenericAnimal() with Biped{
- | override val noise = "Hello"
- | }
- biped: GenericAnimal with Biped = $anon$1@6366ce5f
- scala> biped.makeNoise()
- Hello
You seem to have omitted the definition of GenericAnimal:
ReplyDeleteabstract class GenericAnimal extends Animal {
val noise = "glup"
Interesting series btw. I found out about it today from Planet Scala.
Thanks fixed. Also fixed the problem with copy and pasting the sample code into a terminal. (for this post). I will fix others over time.